速報APP / 教育 / Cat Care Guide : The Ultimate Cat Care

Cat Care Guide : The Ultimate Cat Care





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Cat Care Guide : The Ultimate Cat Care(圖1)-速報App

"Cat Care Guide: Ultimate Cat Care " is a unique app and from this app, you can have a basic idea about how to care your cat in the perfect manner. From this app, you can have a better idea of the basics of the caring of cats.It's better to understand the behaviors and like dislike of your pet. In this app, we are a plan to mention out some important information about the cats in general and some tips for care them in the proper way. This app consist various information’s such as

- Cats Age Chart: In this section, you can have a basic idea about the age of cats and relative age comparison with human age.

- Plants Cats Love: Several houseplants which you can grow especially for cats.

Cat Care Guide : The Ultimate Cat Care(圖2)-速報App

- Healthy Foods For Cats: Some of the healthy human foods which are safe for your cats

- Unhealthy Foods for Cats: List of human food which not suitable to give to your cats.

- Signs your cat needs immediate veterinary attention

Cat Care Guide : The Ultimate Cat Care(圖3)-速報App

- Some of the strange and funny facts about cats.

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